A small black bag with a rainbow strap is laying on an orange background. The bag is decorated with a variety of enamel pins. Next to the bag is a handful of locking pin backs.

Let's talk Locking Pin Backs

Let’s admit it, we’re all little dragons at heart. We love to collect our little shiny things and display our treasures for all to see. For some some that treasure stays safely in our homes or work-spaces, displayed on banners or boards. For others that treasure is carried with them daily; displayed on jackets, lanyards, or bags. 

The treasure is enamel pins. You’re a little dragon. We’re on the same page, right?

A spiral bound notebook with a lavender cover with an illustration of a teal dragon holding stickers and sitting on top of a giant pile of stickers. Underneath the dragon are the words "Sticker hoard"

This is you, but with pins instead of stickers.

Anyway! If you're like me, and you fall into the latter category, you mostly likely have experienced one of the worst things a little dragon can experience: The loss of your treasure. 

I still remember the first enamel pin I lost. It was a Bat’leth (shout out to other Star Trek nerds) that I got at my first Comic Con. I wore it on the pocket of my denim jacket. Yes, right where my backpack and purse strap laid. That's what we in the business call a “high traffic area”. Maybe the highest traffic area. I was young and dumb, and I paid the price with a pin that was irreplaceable in its sentimental nature. I wish I could say that I learned my lesson but no, I have lost countless pins to the void since because I’m stubborn and I love to display my treasure! How else will people know I’m cool and have good taste in art when I’m our in public??

But no more! I no longer loose my precious treasure, thanks to one wonderful invention:

 Locking Pin Backs

If you too have been a victim to your own stubbornness and desire to display your treasure, you owe it to yourself to invest in some of these little guys. Think of it as a bit of insurance, $1 now saves you the whole price of a replacement (as well as the heartbreak every little dragon feels every time their treasure collection shrinks). Trust me, these things work. I am someone who is not delicate with my everyday bags, and I haven't lost a single pin since I began using them.

I know what your about to ask, “But Sarah, what if I want to move my pins around? I’m so indecisive aarg!” Well, friend, I’ve got great news! Locking pin backs are strong but not permanent. They come off easily with intention. You simply grab on to both ends of the device and pull, then the spring lock will release. As an added bonus the backs are smooth, so no more accidental scrapes when you reach into your bag or snags on your clothing from a surprise naked pin or those one backs with the metal wings.


I know what you're thinking again, “But Sarah, if locking pin backs are so freaking cool, why don’t you all just make them standard with all pins? Why do I need to buy them separately if they're undoubtedly the best choice?” Am I physic? … maybe. The reason we don’t make them standard is that first group of little dragons; the ones that display their pins on banners or boards. Those pins aren't going on high traffic areas where they'll get bumped and pulled on constantly, so they have no use for locking pin backs. We have them as an opt-in purchase, that way those little dragons aren't paying for something they don't need. If you’ve made it this far and you ARE one of those indoor-only dragons, I think we both know that means you secretly want to changing it up and bringing some of your treasure into the world with you. ;)

While there’s no guarantees in life, locking pin backs would give you the best chance of keeping your pins safe! Be bold (but practical)!